Cora Coleman
Computer Science PhD candidate at UCSD advised by Bill Griswold. My research interests include Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. Member of the Design Lab and Programming Systems Group at UCSD. I passed the PhD Qualifying Exam and advanced to candidacy in 2022. I passed the PhD Research Exam and obtained an MS in Computer Science from UCSD in 2020. I graduated with a BA in Computer Science from New College of Florida in 2018.
IBM PhD Fellowship Awarded in 2022 for research in the Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure domain with Nick Mitchell as my mentor.
Research Projects
Kubernetes for Machine Learning
Contextually interviewed Kubernetes developers to deeply understand their challenges in executing and evaluating machine learning jobs. Conducted a survey to gather a breadth of the current practices from developers across the stack and understand frequent tasks performed and tools used. With Bill Griswold, Nick Mitchell, Paul Castro, and Sara Kokkila Schumacher.
Cloud Developer Tool Preferences
Conducted an initial survey and observational user study of Kubernetes developers to understand tool modality preferences as they vary across tasks. With Bill Griswold, Nick Mitchell, and Paul Castro. Coastal SEES Collaborative Research
Developed maps using geospatial data from the PacFIN to compare coastal pelagic species landings and commercial fisheries revenue for study areas associated with the collaboration between NOAA, CDFW, and UCSD-Scripps. With James Hilger. Synthesis of Layouts From Examples
Mockdown tool for synthesizing dynamic, constraint-based visual layouts from examples. With Dylan Lukes, John Sarracino, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, and Nadia Polikarpova. Semantics-Assisted Code Review
IntelliJ plugin that displays invariant properties and their changes at the method level. With Bill Griswold and Massimiliano Menarini.
Synthesis of web layouts from examples, ESEC/FSE 2021 Dylan Lukes, John Sarracino, Cora Coleman, Hila Peleg, Sorin Lerner, Nadia Polikarpova
Open set intrusion recognition for fine-grained attack categorization, HST 2017 Steve Cruz, Cora Coleman, Ethan Rudd, Terrance Boult
Associate Instructor CSE 8A: Introduction to Programming I, UCSD; San Diego, CA 2024 Instructed lectures on introductory programming in Python, prepared and graded assignments, and held regular office hours.
Email, ccoleman at ucsd dot edu